They say 40 is the new 30, but there are some things about the aging process that just can’t be Botoxed away. No matter how confident, fulfilled and well-preserved you may be, there are some aspects about getting older that kind of suck. It helps to know that your peers are also going through the same denials, declines and indignities. Considering the alternative to aging, the best approach is to just laugh about it and embrace the good with the bad. No need to fear the forties – there are a lot of great things about the decade of “coming into your own”. But here are 18 ugh moments every 40-something woman experiences at some point. You know you’re over a woman over 40 when…
1. One and a half glasses of wine and you’re toast
You used to be able to hold your liquor. You could enjoy a few cocktails and some wine with dinner and be the scintillating life of the party. Now you’re ready for a nap before the second glass is done.