You work too hard. You hold down a job and you maintain relationships. You pay bills and you (maybe) raise some kids. You vote (or at least you should). All of that responsibility is hard work, and that’s just the big stuff. We haven’t even gotten to keeping food in your house and maintaining all your stuff. Life is a real chore, so you have to know how to make it a touch easier when the opportunity presents itself. A little corner-cutting creativity is all it takes to make your daily routine that much easier on yourself. For those of us who like to get the maximum results from a minimum effort, here are 17 lazy life hacks intended to make every day go a little smoother.
1. The Hoodie Bowl
When you’re trying to chill on the couch and watch a movie, it can be a real pain in the butt to have to actually hold a bowl. Not to worry; simply flip your hoodie around and you can use it as a sort of feed bag, just like the designers intended. Hey, you weren’t going to have your hood up while you were indoors anyway, right?