Our culture has been living the excessive “more is more” way of life for a while now, which isn’t always practical, affordable or sustainable. Grandiose suburban McMansions are no longer desirable for green-minded folks. Many people are consciously turning towards a simplified way of life with less belongings, less clutter and less debt by opting for teeny tiny homes. If paring down to a dwelling just a few hundred square feet in size seems impossible to you, take a look at some of these innovative designs from around the world and be inspired.
1. The Mini weeHouse
The original weeHouse was designed by a violinist who branched into the tiny house movement with this 336 square foot design. The Minnesota based home was built in 2003 and cost $60,000 to create. The home is built around a wood burning stove for heat and features floor-to-ceiling glass walls on either side to maximize light and great views of the landscape outside. It’s accented with warm Douglas Fir wood and has simple yet multitasking furniture.