Hooray for St. Patty’s Day! It’s the day we set aside to celebrate Ireland by reducing the country to its basest stereotypes. So prepare to get slammed and make a fool of yourself, because it’s almost time for the world’s drinkiest holiday. Yet, while most modern folks think of the holiday as a 24-hour party in the middle of March, St. Patrick’s Day is actually a centuries old religious holiday with a history that goes back farther than most. So, before you prepare to get schlitzed (or Guinness’d as the case may be), sit back and take in a few facts about the history of one of the most popular holidays around.
1. Okay, So Who Is St. Patrick?
St. Patrick, as you may have guessed from the title preceding the name, is a Catholic saint who’s near and dear to Ireland. While no one is 100 percent on the dates of his life (which is sweet, because it means you don’t need to learn any), most scholars reckon that this guy was active as a missionary and clergyman in the latter half of the fifth century. Credited with converting Ireland to Christianity, he’s widely recognized as the primary patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day celebrates the day of the man’s death as well as Ireland in general. And, no, drinking copious amounts of booze is nowhere in St. Patrick’s legacy.