Creepiness is a well known evil trait (like black clothes, or a British accent). It’s standard villain fare. We’ve come to expect it from antagonists in both film and television. You can sense it approaching before the dark presence is even on screen. Almost like a smell. Every now and then, there’s a minor character who really nails the sinister factor, in subtle or overt ways. Very often it’s their position in a secondary role that makes it all the worse because you just aren’t expecting it. They’re the ones that stay with you and haunt your dreams. So here’s to all those creepiest side-characters who’ve scarred us for life.
7. The Crack Fox (The Mighty Boosh)
If you don’t know who this character is then you haven’t seen The Mighty Boosh. In which case, you must stop and check out this brilliant British quirky comedy show right now. Go on, we’ll wait. There’s a whole plethora of deranged characters in this series, but let’s narrow it down to the creepiest. Skanky, disturbing in both looks and personality and made of what looks to be a combination of bandages, syringes and fur, the Crack Fox inspires disgust, fear and just enough pity to stay with you for years to come.