When it was first conceived in 8th century Japan, sushi was created not as a decidedly tasty dish, but as a way to extend the shelf life of fish in the days before refrigeration. Placing raw fish on vinegar-infused rice effected a kind of fermentation process that helped the fish stay edible for longer periods of time. In the millennia since the delicacy was devised, chefs have taken the rice and fish-based morsel concept and gone hog wild with strange ingredients and wacky presentations. No longer are either ingredient truly necessary for something to be called sushi. Check out these oddly creative variations on the sushi theme.
1. The Fetus Roll
For those epicureans who like to try and eat while you’re stomach is churning in open horror, we present the fetus roll. It comes in four tasty developmental stages from sperm to outright proto-human. Honestly, what kind of crazy person gets their jollies chomping down on some food that’s been made to look like an almost person? It could be the most scrumptious fish dish in the world and most people would still balk at trying to ingest some sperm-shaped novelty food.