We have a penchant for supersized food in America, but some people go way overboard to try and concoct things even bigger. The desire to make it into the coveted Guinness Book of World Records has motivated some people to produce enormous items of edible wonders (some more appetizing than others). It takes considerable time, money and labor to complete these colossal consumables. Often there is a charitable element to these record attempts, but some are just quirky oddities people do for a taste of food fame and glory (such that it is). Who says size doesn’t matter? Here are some of the most amazing record breaking edibles in recent years.
1. The Heaviest Carrot
This award really belongs to Mother Nature’s handiwork. In 2014, this carrot came along and broke the record when it weighed in at 20 pounds. The carrot belonged to Peter Glazebrook of the U.K. and it’s registered with the Guinness Book of World Records. Even Bugs Bunny would be intimidated by that monstrous thing.